
Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Today is my mom's birthday :) Just wanted to say that!
For her birthday we went out for dinner along with all our foreign friends and ate Pizza. The pizza was the best in town, i ate SO much. Then we had cake. Lets just say, I AM SO FULL!!! :D
Have a good night!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rain Rain go away.

Hey people !! Lately, it's been raining, ALOT. I hate rain. Also, it hasnt snowed ONCE this winter :( pretty sad. Since it's been raining, we havent done much at all. Once it rains here, you dont go out until it stops. :P
As some of you may have known, i wrote a story (12,000 words). I won a thing called Nanowrimo and now its getting PRINTED!!! I will get 5 FREE copies! I still have to get the proof but Im OVERLY pumped :D If any of you want one, please email me!!
Do you know what the Hunger Games is? Well, it's a book but its turning into a movie. Well, i a big, no HUGE, fan!!!! I'm basically obsessed! :P Because of this, i have made a blog to rave and rant about it!!! Here is the link:
Go there and read about all things HUNGER GAMES :D
Ok well, thats all for today!! For more info on my book go to:
Thanks again!! I'll post soon!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Alot, i mean ALOT to catch up on....

Hey Peeps, i've been gone for awhile, i know, but i have GOOD reasons for it. In this post, i shall catch you up on what you missed. Starting with New Years: We had friends come over for the week. To sum it up, it was Ultra, Amazingly, FUN!!! We went to the arcade, got stared at, went to the photobooth, got stared at, when to dinner, got stared at. As you probably noticed, i said "got stared at" alot. Why? Because there was there was my mom and dad and their mom and dad, me (blonde hair), my friend Katy (blonde), Grace's friend Anabelle (blonde), Mercee's friend Lela (blond) and Grace and Mercee who are asian (blackhair...). We were quite a sight, thats for sure. One of my favorite things that my friend and I did while she was here was, watch TV. I know, I know, not exactly the best thing to do with a friend you havent seen in over 1 year. But it was fun. We watched a show called White Collar and Mentalist. Now, i watch every new episode that comes out, thanks to her :D After they left, i got wrapped up in homework. I probably could have posted then but i didnt. On January 15th we left for Thailand. The warm weather was refreshing, very refreshing. We landed in bangkok and stayed for two nights and then, we were off to Paradise. After a 4 hour bus ride and a 1 and 1/2 hour speed boat ride, WE FINALLY arrived at KohKood island. It was beautiful, to say the least. the water was clear, the sunsets were amazing and the food delicious. After 5 days of living in wonderland, we had to go. When we got back to bangkok, we went straight to the airport to get on our plane to Chiangmai. In Chiangmai we met with other people, ate alot of American food and shopped at the nightmarket. It was a BLAST! But when all was finished, it was time to come home. As we stepped off the plane, freezing cold air met us. We all shivered all the way home. At home, we turned the eat up as high as it would go. That was a mistake. a few days later, dad got stopped and was told we were using TOO MUCH electricity ...we had the highest in the build,,,probably city for all we know.

Well, my story has come to an end, i will try to upload more soon. Adios my friends.

--希望 Xiwang